
A large poster sign of communication symbols familiar to our students that could be installed on each elementary playground and the middle school playground. The outdoor signs, made of durable aluminum and vinyl, would withstand repeated use and the weather and would allow staff and peers to point to symbols to help students understand directions and model how to use language on the playground. The signs would allow these students to have a voice on the playground and to have symbols and words right in the moment to communicate wants and needs.

Screenagers recently released a second documentary called Screenagers Next Chapter. We purchased a license agreement to show one community viewing and student viewings at Saline Middle School and Saline High School for both Screenagers and Screenagers Next Chapter.

The Saline Area School Media Centers are in need of updated books that support the SAS Learner Profile goals. We are requesting funds to supply our Libraries with books that demonstrate social justice, display diverse characters, digital citizenship, enhance makerspace activities and support the teaching of a growth mindset.

This grant is to purchase online memberships to The Informed SLP for each of the 12 district Speech-Language Pathologists. The Informed SLP is a website dedicated to connecting speech-language clinicians and scientists with each otherÛªs work by reviewing hundreds of the latest research and journal articles, and subsequently publishing monthly members-only reviews, as well as allowing members access to additional resources on the website. Everything that is curated and reviewed is evidence-based, thus changing the way our students are diagnosed and treated, and providing clinicians with factual and proven information. With each monthly edition, the district SLPs will be increasing knowledge with minimal time commitment.

IndieFlix is sparking a global conversation about anxiety through screenings of its brand-new documentary, Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety. On October 17, 2018, Saline Area Schools will hold a special screening of the documentary at the Saline High School Auditorium to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders and experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative panel discussion, led by Brad Bezeau, Saline Middle School Principal, with special guests from across Washtenaw County.