Planes, Trains, & Autos!

Planes, Trains, & Autos!

Secondary School Writing Centers Association
November 8-11, 2018
Arlington, VA

Erika Chatell, Liz Colson, Sam Hambleton, and Ari Kok joined SHS Writing Center co-directors, Madelyn Clark and Jen Denzin, on a weekend trip to George Mason University to attend the first national convention of the Secondary School Writing Centers Association (SSWCA). SSWCA, formerly CAPTA (Capital Area Peer Tutoring Association), welcomed over 500 students and directors from 39 schools and universities from across the country: VA, PA, MA, GA, CT, MD, ID, FL, TX, NY, NH, and MI!

Highlights from the conference included peer-led sessions on positive tutoring strategies and growth of peer support across disciplines. Additionally, SHS consultants relished their ability to highlight our online writing review process. Unlike most centers, our center responds to 90% of our submissions online. SHS consultants aim to evaluate this work in order to present at the next conference in spring of 2020.

In addition to the day and a half of conferencing, the SHS group traveled throughout the greater DC area using the Metro. On Saturday, the group visited the National Mall, National Archives, White House, Lincoln, WWII, and Vietnam Memorials. On Sunday, Veterans Day, the group walked through Arlington National Cemetery. It was the perfect place to reflect upon those who lost their lives serving our country, and those who continue to serve to keep Americans safe.

Finally, no trip would be complete without great eats! Trips to Sushi Rock, Tupelo Honey, Alto Fumo, and the Cupcakery did not disappoint.

The SHS Writing Center is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year!
Stop by the Writing Center to pick up an application.



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